The Break Up Of Britain | A conference salute to Tom Nairn is generously supported by: 

The Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust

Barry Amiel and Norman Milburn Trust

Democratic Left Scotland

Scottish Independence Foundation

And by these individual donors, to whom we are especially grateful

Perry Anderson

Neal Ascherson

Neil Barton

Iain Bruce

Alan Calder

Patricia Cooney

John Faithfull

David M Ferrier

Rob Gibson

Judith Herrin

Isabel Hilton

Margaret Jacobsen

Dr Jacqueline Jensen

Ian Johnston

Allan Jones

Pauline Keightley

George Kerevan

Robin Kinross

Isobel Lindsay

Catherine Lloyd

Barry McAnearney

John Derek McCurdy

 Mary MacCallum Sullivan

Mr Duncan W MacInnes

Alan McMahon

Kenkev Mcdougall

Sam Mendes 

Lynda Myles

John Osmond

Elaine Potter

Marion C Ralls

Louise and Paul Ramsay

Martin Rosendaal

 Brian Smith

Will Storrar

Matthew Zajac




…and many anonymous donors

All donations are gratefully received.